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Monday, July 12, 2010

What is a cancel-based recovery?

A cancel-based recovery is a type of user-managed incomplete recovery that is performed by specifying the UNTIL CANCEL clause with the RECOVER command (a SQL*Plus command that is used to recover a database). The UNTIL CANCEL clause specifies that the recovery process will continue until the user manually cancels the recovery process issuing the CANCEL command.

In a cancel-based incomplete recovery, the recovery process proceeds by prompting the user with the suggested archived redo log files’ names. The recovery process stops when the user specifies CANCEL instead of specifying an archived redo log file’s name. If the user does not specify CANCEL, the recovery process automatically stops when all the archived redo log files have been applied to the database.

A cancel-based recovery is usually performed when the requirement is to recover up to a particular archived redo log file. For example, if one of the archived redo log files required for the complete recovery is corrupt or missing, the only option is to recover up to the missing archived redo log file

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